Aku yang patah tangan..

Yes people. I sort of "broke" my arm.
Sadly, it has been a week and I'm still in recovery mode.


Who knew..

It has come to a day that we knew it was coming.
We knew it will come but we don't know when.
But when we've reached it, victory have never taste as sweet as that moment.

Both of us gotten a job.One each (of course *wink)
A structural engineer for him
A project engineer for her

Life couldn't be more happier than this.
Blessed and thankful.



Done graduating..Hoping for the best for both of us.

Working life.
Praying so hard that both of us will get a place in the working world.


A new beginning of when C meets B..

Hi all.Thanks for stopping by our blog.

This is an official blog of Hazmil and Farhana.